Book of the Day – Be Careful What You Wish For

Happy Thursday!

Look what I found in my mailbox; a package with some lovely gifties inside! The first of which was sent to Bug…   (I must admit, it looks kind of awesome with all those awards!!!  ->  The HellandBack Kids: Be Careful What You Wish For by L L Helland



The HellandBack Kids: Be Careful What You Wish For

by L L Helland


Be Careful What You Wish For (The HellandBack Kids, #1)

The Hellandback Kids: Be Careful What You Wish For, has won several awards: The Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, The Mom’s Choice Award, and Royal Dragonfly Award. When the four Hellandback kids visit their great-grandmother in a strange Scottish hospital, they unknowingly fall into a series of bizarre adventures in an alternate reality. With only their own ingenuity, the Hellandback kids must rely on help from a mystic guide, unearthly creatures, and talking animals as they encounter the black plague, deformed beings, a life sucking immortal, and a long trek from exile. Throughout their adventures, the Hellandback kids learn valuable life lessons, and of course, to be careful what they wish for.


Buy it on Amazon


Big Thanks to Mrs Helland for sending me a copy of her book, we look forward to reading it!!

AND as always, big thanks to you for popping by to see what I was rambling on about. LOL

Hope you have a great weekend.

Just a reminder, I usually post pics of the books I get right as I get them on to my facebook page so make sure to click over and LIKE the page – then you’ll see what books I get as I get them instead of waiting till I do a “book haul” video. I’ll still do haul videos every couple of weeks, too. So… yeah. All righty then.

Good night!