Book of the Day: The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler by James Cross Giblin

The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler |

I was sent a copy of The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler by James Cross Giblin


Book of the Day!


The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler

by James Cross Giblin

Release Date:  June 16, 2015

“The most complete and successful biography of the Führer available for this audience.”—SLJ, starred review

Many people believe Hitler was the personification of evil. In this Sibert Medal–winning biography, James Cross Giblin penetrates this façade and presents a picture of a complex person—at once a brilliant, influential politician and a deeply disturbed man. Giblin explores the forces that shaped the man as well as the social conditions that furthered his rapid rise to power. Powerful archival images provide a haunting visual accompaniment to this clear and compelling account of a life that left an ineradicable mark on our world.


Have you read this one yet? Comment down below and let me know!

Big Thanks to HMH Books fr Young Readers for sending  me a copy of this book!!

AND as always, big thanks to you for popping by to see what I was rambling on about. LOL

Hope you have a great week.

Just a reminder, I usually post pics of the books I get right as I get them on to my facebook page and my instagram so make sure to click over and LIKE the page and/or follow my gram – then you’ll see what books I get as I get them instead of waiting till I do a “book haul” video. I’ll still do haul videos every couple of weeks, too. So… yeah. All righty then.