Book of the Day: Whoppers


I was sent a copy of Whoppers: History’s Most Outrageous Lies and Liars by Christine Seifert


Book of the Day!

Whoppers: History's Most Outrageous Lies and Liars by Christine Seifert | Featured Book of the Day |

Whoppers: History’s Most Outrageous Lies and Liars

by Christine Seifert

Release Date: 2015-09-01

History of full of liars. Not just little-white-telling liars, but big-honkin’, whopper-telling liars—people who can convince us that even the most improbable, outrageous, nonsensical stories are true. And the worst part is that we believe them. Whoppers tells the story of history’s greatest liars and the lies they told, providing a mix of narrative profiles of super-famous liars, lies, and/or hoaxes, as well as more obscure episodes.


Have you read this one yet? Comment down below and let me know!

Big Thanks to Zest Books for sending me a copy of this book!!

AND as always, big thanks to you for popping by to see what I was rambling on about. LOL

Hope you have a great week.

Just a reminder, I usually post pics of the books I get right as I get them on to my facebook page and my instagram so make sure to click over and LIKE the page and/or follow my gram – then you’ll see what books I get as I get them instead of waiting till I do a “book haul” video. I’ll still do haul videos every couple of weeks, too. So… yeah. All righty then.