Ghost Girl: A Blue Ridge Mountain Story by Delia Ray

Ghost Girl: A Blue Ridge Mountain Story by Delia Ray

I was sent a copy of Ghost Girl: A Blue Ridge Mountain Story by Delia Ray


Book of the Day!

Ghost Girl: A Blue Ridge Mountain Story by Delia Ray | Featured Book of the Day |

Ghost Girl: A Blue Ridge Mountain Story

by Delia Ray

Release Date: 2016-06-07

Eleven-year-old April Sloane has never set foot in a school before, and now that President Hoover and his wife are building a one-room schoolhouse in the hollow of the Blue Ridge Mountains where April lives, she is eager to attend it. But these are the Depression years, and Mama, who has been grieving ever since the accidental death of her seven-year-old son, wants April to stay home and do the chores around their dilapidated farm. With her grandmother’s intercession, April is grudgingly allowed to go. The kind teacher encourages her apt pupil, who finds a new world opening up to her. But at home, April cannot repair the relationship with her mother, and worse, her mother overhears the dark secret April confesses to her teacher regarding the true cause of her brother’s death, for which April feels responsible.


Have you read this one yet? Comment down below and let me know!

Big Thanks to HMH Books for Young Readers  for sending me a copy of this book!!

AND as always, big thanks to you for popping by to see what I was rambling on about. LOL

Hope you have a great week.

Just a reminder, I usually post pics of the books I get right as I get them on to my facebook page and my instagram so make sure to click over and LIKE the page and/or follow my gram – then you’ll see what books I get as I get them instead of waiting till I do a “book haul” video. I’ll still do haul videos every couple of weeks, too. So… yeah. All righty then.