Grave Secret (Harper Connelly Mysteries, Book 4)

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Grave Secret (Harper Connelly Mysteries, Book 4)

By: Charlaine Harris

Published by: Berkley Hardcover
ISBN: 9780425230152

Genre: Mystery, Paranormal

Pages: 320

Author’s Website:

Recommendable for people who:
Enjoy suspense, mystery, paranormal, and/or ghost stories.


Lightning-struck sleuth Harper Connelly and her stepbrother Tolliver take a break from looking for the dead to visit the two little girls they both think of as sisters. But, as always happens when they travel to Texas, memories of their horrible childhood resurface.

To make matters worse, Tolliver learns from his older brother that their father is out of jail and trying to reestablish contact with other family members. Tolliver wants no part of the man- but he may not have a choice in the matter.

Soon, family secrets ensnare them both, as Harper finally discovers what happened to her missing sister, Cameron, so many years before.

And what she finds out will change her world forever.

My Thoughts:  (my reading updates on Goodreads)

I wasn’t as impressed with this one, as I was with Book 1 (Grave Sight) and Book 3 (Ice Cold Grave). 

The case they went to work on in Texas didn’t “grab’” me the way most of the other cases did.  And really there wasn’t much of “the case” in this book, though it played a huge part in the story. This book is mostly about Harper and Tolliver, their history, and resolving a lot of “family issues”. 

I did cry at the very end, and it felt great to have an “ENDING” to the main threads through ALL of the books.  Everything got wrapped up nicely.  I’m trying to tell you I did like it, but I don’t want to say too much or it will ruin the book for you. =) 

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