PLANNING for Success – Day Two

Day Two: Creating from Chaos 🙂

SO if you’re reading this, then chances are you read Part One and are back because you are wanting to make a change in your business.  I’m so proud of you!

Day One was all about figuring out what it is you would like to be doing as your job.  Also we wanted to find out what it would take before you would consider yourself successful with that job.

Day Two is going to be about sorting out that big mess of notes you made to yourself yesterday.  How are we going to do that exactly?  Well, grab some more paper… lol.

On the top of page one, write our first question from yesterday: "What do I like doing most, how can I incorporate that into my business"   On the top of page two, write the other question: “What do I WANT out of my business”  Then add a couple of sheets to each question page.  Set these two stacks out on the table in front of you side by side.

Bring out those random scribbles from Day One.  Our goal for this exercise is to formulate those notes into ideas (or at a minimum full sentences) and put them in their proper category (stack one or stack two).  As you look over your list you will undoubtedly find a few things that are totally unrelated to this project.  For instance I found “Pantene” and “waxed paper”  in my notes. LOL.  Hey, I was in the dining room.  I’m a busy mom.  I can’t help it if my grocery list was making a appearance.  lol.  That’s ok, just mark the unrelated stuff off (OR, in my case, put them on their own list. lol)

Now, before you go getting all “mark it off my list” happy.  Please take a second and think about WHY that note made it into your rambling.  It may not be as irrelevant as you think.  For a good example: I found a LOT of things on my list that were actually things I DONT LIKE about my current business.  Negatives.  As I started to mark them off my list, totally disappointed in myself for not focusing on the exercise and writing my “I dont likes” instead of my “Want to Do’s”, I realized I could totally use these dislikes to tell me what I DO want!

I’ll share an example with you from my list, illustrating what I mean.   

In my notes, I found “I hate feeling guilty when I blog”  What I meant was, anytime I make a blog post talking about people or things NOT part of my current business (like a friend/designer’s new product) I’m always worried who I’m going to tick off.  I mean, I should be promoting my own business and team not someone else’s, right?  Wrong, I know.  I should be talking about what ever I want, but I always feel like someone’s going to get ticked off about it.  I hate feeling that way! 

How  is this “don’t like” related to my “Wants in business” list?  Well, if I look at it for what it’s saying, EVERYTHING.  If we flip this statement, we get the the truth: I want “to blog about friends, great products, and great finds”.  So this statement is what I will put on my “Want to do” list.

So now we have your task for day two.  Go through your scribbles from Day One and organize them into one stack or the other.  When you’re finished, what you’ll have is a loose blueprint for figuring out what you should be doing with yourself.  The hard part now is going to be how to take the “What I wants to do’s” and turn them into the “What I want to get’s”.  There is a whole “middle pile” between your two stacks on the table and that will be your business plan, your “PLAN OF ATTACK”.  These will be the steps that will bring you head on into your SUCCESS.

Success is at your fingertips if you are willing to reach out and grab it!
With all my heart, I wish you the best of luck.