School Schedules and Seriously?!

*Phew* what a summer!  That’s all I can say.

Today was back to school day, and I was so excited!  I was gonna do THIS and was gonna do THAT.  That was until I decided to take a little nappypoo.  I mean, heck, I’d only had 2 hours of sleep.  I was tired.  So, I climbed back in bed and gave the MR implicit instructions that I was to be awakened no later then 9 am.  I had things to do today.  Dammit.

I rolled over and looked at the clock at 1pm.  Uhhh…


Ok, so apparently my big plan of getting back on a SCHEDULE…of getting things DONE… well, that is gonna start Tomorrow.  hahaah…

Anyway –

Here’s the kiddies from this morning.  Up on time and happy to go back to school.  Not so happy Mom has attacked them with the camera.  Which kept fogging up, thus causing more and more photos. LOL!!!


From Back to School – 2011, posted by Bunny Cates on 8/10/2011 (10 items)

Back to school!!!

Back to School – 2011

school, day 2

school, day 2 Someone was sleeepy…. LOL

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