Syncing Forward by W Lawrence

Syncing ForwardSyncing Forward

by W Lawrence

Released: 2014-06-15

Paperback: 488 pages

ISBN-10: 0990486109
ISBN-13: 9780990486107
ASIN: 0990486109

Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 8.9 inches


Would you ever travel forward in time if you knew it was a one-way trip?

Martin James has no such desire, but after being injected with a mysterious drug against his will, Martin hurtles through the years. This cruel twist of fate forces him to watch his children grow up and his wife grow old in a matter of days. Only an elusive group of scientists have the ability to stop his nightmarish journey; the very people who injected him in the first place. And while Martin James hopes to find a cure before everyone he loves is gone, others are uncertain if his journey can be stopped at all.

W. Lawrence weaves a future history filled with the best and worst of humanity, highlights the blessings and curses of technology, and pushes the limits of faith and hopelessness. Above all, Syncing Forward is a tale of one man’s love for his family, and their devotion to saving him from being lost forever

Age Range 16+ (*for language)

Genre:  Science Fiction / Thriller

Awards: n/a

Available Copies:  This title is currently available in paper and digital format

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