Dragons of Chiril by Donita K Paul
![]() Buy on Amazon | The Dragons of Chiril: A NovelBy: Donita K. Paul Published by: WaterBrook Press ISBN: 0307730115 Author’s Website: Author’s Social: Twitter | Facebook Format of Review Copy: paperback Recommendable for people who enjoy: |
Synopsis (from the author’s website):
Before DragonSpell, on a different continent and a different time, a young emerlindian’s desperate decision threatens to disrupt the foundation of the world.
Tipper is a young emerlindian who’s responsible for the upkeep of her family’s estate during her sculptor father’s absence. Tipper soon discovers that her actions have unbalanced the whole foundation of her world, and she must act quickly to undo the calamitous threat. But how can she save her father and her world on her own?
The task is too huge for one person, so she gathers the help of some unlikely companions–including the nearly five-foot tall parrot Beccaroon–and eventually witnesses the loving care and miraculous resources of Wulder. Through Tipper’s breathtaking story, readers will discover the beauty of knowing and serving God.
My Thoughts:
This story, for me, was a little slow getting going. As an after thought, now, I think I am glad it was. I had never heard of this series or the author – so taking a little time to get the story rolling really allowed me to “discover” the world. If that makes sense? I hope so.
I really enjoyed the characters. I loved that Tipper was very independent and had a strong will. (You can see my goodreads reading updates HERE) At times I was confused on her age because she came across as a very strong headed teenager instead of a 22 year old. As the book progressed, we learn that she has lived a very sheltered life so it totally makes sense.
The world building that went on in this story was great. At times, I really felt like this was somewhere REAL. Even though there were talking parrots, and dragons, it still felt organic and real to me. Like somewhere at sometime, these people and this story – really happened. I love it when a story can whisk you away like that.
Plot was, like I said, the beginning was pretty slow. It took so long to get me “hooked” that I almost gave up. I was probably a good 250 pages before I got to the “HAD to finish” feeling. Once it did manage to hook me, though, I was all in! The last couple of chapters in particular were FANTASTIC! So much action and drama and “OMGOSH!”. LOL! I’d say the last 150-200 pages I was so sucked in that I just couldn’t put it down.
In Conclusion:
Great read for middle grade level and up. The main character Tipper is 22, so I don’t know if this falls into the YA genre or not. It reads quick and smooth, it FELT like a YA book. I really enjoyed it. Once the story picked up and “got going”, it was fantastic. I’d say it’s a fantasy adventure type book. Think Eragon, but with a less dragon insight and a girl not a boy. Since this was a prequel, I would love to pick up the rest of the series and see where it goes.
Mom Notes:
This is Christian Fiction so there are no language issues or sex to be worried about. There are a couple of “fight scenes” but nothing graphic.