#BookHaul / #InMyMailBox August 2, 2014
Well, another week has passed us by. That means it is time to show you what all books we got this passed week! yep, it is totally time for another book haul! I didn’t realize how many new books we’d gotten in here at wearewordnerds headquarters, until I sat down to film this weeks In My Mailbox / Book haul video! So many books, I ended up filming it in two parts!
The first video in this book haul features books we received to feature here on the blog!
Books mentioned in this video:
The second video in this book haul features books we purchased this past week. Oh… I may have gotten a little carried away!
Books mentioned in this video:
That’s it for this haul, guys! Thanks for reading/watching guys! Hoping you found something for your own bookshelves in this post. Have a great week! ps: make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel AND to the new wearewordnerds youtube channelso you don’t miss ANY posts!