Book of the Day: The Last Relicuin


I was sent a copy of The Last Relicuin by Hargus Montgomery

Book of the Day!

The Last Relicuin

by Hargus Montgomery

Release Date: 2013-09-25

In the 22nd century, twelve percent of the world’s population chooses history. Safe inside the guarded borders of living museums, museum dwellers resist attempts by Metro leaders to seize their lands and force them back to the cities. When Alexander Kane, (son of a powerful Metro Senator) leaves the protection of the City to enter the Federal Museum Academy, he becomes the target of a growing political struggle. Crossing borders into the 12, 18th, and 20th centuries, The Last Relicuin follows three generations of a family torn between the past and the future.




Big Thanks to Hargus Montgomery for sending me a copy of this book!!

AND as always, big thanks to you for popping by to see what I was rambling on about. LOL

Hope you have a great week.

Just a reminder, I usually post pics of the books I get right as I get them on to my facebook page and my instagram so make sure to click over and LIKE the page and/or follow my gram – then you’ll see what books I get as I get them instead of waiting till I do a “book haul” video. I’ll still do haul videos every couple of weeks, too. So… yeah. All righty then.