#BunnyTalks (Ep 04) with Laura Bickle
This week, Bunny interviews YA Author: Laura Bickle about her career and her newest novel – THE OUTSIDE, the second book in the HALLOWED ONES series!!
This week, Bunny interviews YA Author: Laura Bickle about her career and her newest novel – THE OUTSIDE, the second book in the HALLOWED ONES series!!
This week we participate in the blog tour for Membrane by Carol Moreira! Pop in and watch our author interview and make sure to enter the GIVEAWAY for her newest book – MEMBRANE!
This week, Bunny interviews YA Author: Bryony Pearce about her career and her upcoming novel from Strange Chemistry Books – THE WEIGHT OF SOULS!
I’m Bunny Cates. I like books, and read, and stuff. This livestream is basically just me talking about books, the business, or anything I find interesting really. I’m hoping to have special guests for each “show”, however, this thing is new so we’ll see how that goes. I hope you …