WeAreWordNerds has passed FOUR MILLION VISITORS! Thank you so much to all our readers and FRIENDS that have stuck with us over the last 6 years!
WeAreWordNerds has passed FOUR MILLION VISITORS! Thank you so much to all our readers and FRIENDS that have stuck with us over the last 6 years!
Thank you all for sticking with me the last few weeks. With my computer only working when it wants to, blogging has become quite difficult. The new pc is here, and should be hooked up soon. Then all things back to normal. There are a TON of books here waiting …
Today we have a GUEST POST from author Jon Morris, author of The Legion of Regrettable Superheroes! When Comic Book Authors Appear In Their Own Books … Superhero comics are known for playing fast and loose with physics, reason, and believability. But that kind of loosey-goosey storytelling also allows …
Book Haul, Book Haul, it’s a Book Haul, y’all! Two jobs and finals have started kicking on, guys. Needless to say, I am a little behind on a few things. Lets see about catching up. Shall we? These are the books we have received to feature here on WeAreWordNerds over …
It’s a book haul, y’all! Incase you missed it…I GOT A NEW JOB! Yep, I am a store manager again after not being one for over 16 years. It sure is taking a lot of getting used to. Figuring out how to manager work, school, and blogging is a job …
It’s a book haul, y’all! Yep, it is that time. You know, the time at which I show you the books I got in the last week? That’s today! haha. Not a huge huge batch of books this week, but definitely some good ones. Anyway, these are the books we …
It’s a book haul, y’all! Yep. I made it another week, and posted all on time and stuff. I know. You are so shocked. It is ok, I am too! Anyway, these are the books we have received to feature here on WeAreWordNerds over the last week. I hope you …
It’s a book haul, y’all! I swear I’m trying to get back into the swing of things around here. Trying to get a good schedule worked out for blogging and work and school. It gets overwhelming. Sometimes I have to step back and rethink my routines. I really feel like …
Happy Wednesday, you guys! I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, so I thought I would pop in and show you a few of the books off my current wishlist. Before we get going, I need to specify something very important. This post isn’t to try to …
Sorry I haven’t updated much you guys. I got busy with my birthday and then…. my computer crashed. I am still trying to get everything all set back up. Will be posting again soon. Don’t give up on me!! In the meantime, why not check out some of these posts: …