WeAreWordNerds has passed FOUR MILLION VISITORS! Thank you so much to all our readers and FRIENDS that have stuck with us over the last 6 years!
WeAreWordNerds has passed FOUR MILLION VISITORS! Thank you so much to all our readers and FRIENDS that have stuck with us over the last 6 years!
Holy crumbs you guys! What a weekend! We’ve been having some issues with our webhosts and it has been making posting very difficult. If you didn’t notice, our site went down FRIDAY and was down until this morning! They kept saying we overloaded their server, and I kept saying “But …
Happy Friday, guys! Time for another #FridayReads… But first I have some exciting news to share! We just passed 2 million visitors on WeAreWordNerds.com!!!!!!! Thank you guys so much for following the site, and keeping up with me and my book “fetish”. I love you guys so much! Now, on …
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We made a TOP 100 BOOK BLOGS list! I was contacted a while back and told that we made a TOP 100 BOOK BLOGS list, and they just wanted to make sure it was ok for them to use our header in their graphic. Umm… YES! I’m so happy about …
What a week! I have been so busy this week, I almost can’t believe the week is over already! Incase you haven’t noticed the site is getting an overhaul. I’m really trying to get it a little better organized with each “area of interest” in their own section. The next …