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Holiday Book Haul–Secret Santa & Awesome Kids Edition

Hey you guys! Just wanted to share some of the bookish things I got for Christmas this year! Its actually in TWO videos. The first one is the items I received from my friend KC Hilton and from my kids! Books mentioned in this video: From the kids – Innocence: …


Hey you guys! Several of my youtube (#BOOKTUBE) friends got together and came up with a YEAR of monthly Readathons! For those of you that don’t know what a Readathon is – basically you have a set date range and you read as many books as you can for that …

We Are Word Nerds on YOUTUBE!

Hey you guys!  EXCITING TIMES here at wearewordnerds! This is just a quick note to let you know we have launched the youtube channel for We Are Word Nerds!   You can subscribe at: Thanks for watching guys! Have a great night!!! xx

This is not a test…or is it? (Testing the Samsung HMX F90 Camcorder)

Hey you guys! Just a quick little note. I know my posts are sporadic this week. I apologize for that. Getting everything set up for classes that start next week, and lots of not great things going down this week. SO… One of the main things I want to do …

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge (2014) – {Day 6} BEST BOOK OF 2013

Book Blogger New Year’s Resolution Challenge is hosted by PARAJUNKEE.COM Welcome to day SIX you guys!  Yes, yes, I know…I didn’t post yesterday.  I don’t think technically, this means I failed the challenge…BECAUSE….  I did sit down to do yesterdays post.  However, the topic was WORST BOOK of 2013 and …

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge (2014)–Day 4: THE BOOKS OF 2014 YOU WON’T MISS

Book Blogger New Year’s Resolution Challenge is hosted by PARAJUNKEE.COM Welp, today is day four. Todays challenge post: THE BOOKS OF 2014 YOU WON’T MISS GUH.  Todays post is going to suck.  There are so many books coming out that I *want* and right now I am living off of …

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge (2014)–Day 3: THE BOOKS OF 2013 YOU ARE SAD YOU MISSED

Book Blogger New Year’s Resolution Challenge is hosted by PARAJUNKEE.COM Day Three, I got this! Todays challenge post: THE BOOKS OF 2013 YOU ARE SAD YOU MISSED Ok, todays post is going to make me sad. LOL  Seriously, I missed so many books this year.  Let me just pull up …

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge (2014)–Day 2: Pros & Cons of Book Blogging

Book Blogger New Year’s Resolution Challenge is hosted by PARAJUNKEE.COM I’m really enjoying this challenge so far!  Of course, today is only day 2 (of 14), so…… lol Todays challenge post: Pros & Cons of Book Blogging Wow! Way to make me sit back and put my thinking cap on!  …

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge (2014)–Day 1: BLOGGER RESOLUTIONS

Book Blogger New Year’s Resolution Challenge is hosted by PARAJUNKEE.COM I can’t believe 2014 is here! As 2013 winded down, and my “every day” life began to settle, I started thinking about where I wanted to go with WeAreWordNerds this year.  2013 was a fantastic year for us, I mean: …

Friday Five: Recent FREE EBOOK Downloads!

Happy Friday! My #FridayReads is still STAINED by Cheryl Rainfield.  Its pretty good, am only about 40 pages in so far, though.  Since I’m still reading the same book as last week… Lets do a Friday Five. This week, lets talk about those FREE EBOOKS. I’m not a big fan …