Challenging Myself in 2012


Its a new year and that means new reading challenges!  I’m so excited for the new year (even though I’m getting a slow start on my challenges!

*As always you can see my year long reading log here->  BOOKS I READ – 2012


2012 Reading Challenge

Every year goodreads posts a thingy where you can set the amount of books you intend to read that year.  Just like last year, this year I am challenging myself to 52 books.

Currently, I have read 1 book toward my goal of 52 books.  I’m already 2% behind.  *sadface*  

I really hope I can get ahead early on in the year, because I know I won’t be able to catch up at the end.  We’ll see what happens.  The best thing about THIS challenge is that it doesn’t matter what other challenges I choose, ALL the books will fall into this category. yay!


When I was thinking of what reading challenges I wanted to do for myself in 2012, I thought – you know, I haven’t read ANY of my Stephen Kings in a long time.  Shoot, I haven’t even read Under the Dome: A Novel yet!  Why don’t I work into my challenge that I should re-read a few of my old school Stephen King.    I love the idea!  It not only helps me with my Goodreads Reading Challenge for 2012, it also let’s me remember what got me into reading horror! 


Since I haven’t tackled a “classic” since high school, I thought this would be fun.  So throughout 2012, I am challenging myself to read at least 6 “classics”.  I figured I could manage at least one classic every two months.  Surely! 

To kick this challenge off, I figured I better chose something I know I am going to like.  I went with Dracula by Bram Stoker.  I’m only about half of the way through, but I’m already starting to question whether I am going to make it on this one or not.  LOL.   If there are any CLASSICS that you LOVE please let me know!  I seriously don’t know what I will be choosing next for this one.


My favorite group on Goodreads, Horror Aficionados is doing this challenge.  Basically, you pick book titles that correspond with the first letter of your first name.   So for me, my titles would begin with:

  • B –
  • U –
  • N –
  • N –
  • Y –



My friend Lindsay, THE BOOK VLOGGER,  is hosting a KILL THE TBR CHALLENGE.

The goal for this challenge is to just not buy so many new books this year and try to get some of those older books READ and off the To Be Read pile!

I think this is a fantastic challenge, especially since I have only read about half of the books I own.  So, I will be working TONS of books onto this challenge!

Below are just some of the books I fully intend to read this year.  Currently these books will be linked to Amazon.  As I read them, I’ll come back and link up the reviews.  Hopefully, at the end of 2012 this entire list (or at least 3/4 of it) will be complete!!!  If by some strange chance, I blow through this list – I will be adding more to it!


So, those are my challenges for 2012!  What challenges are you participating in this year? 

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