Chill Run by Russell Brooks

Chill Run (A Mystery Thriller)

Chill Run (A Mystery Thriller)

by  Russell Brooks

Released: 2013-11-11

Paperback: 247 pages

ISBN-13:  978-0-9867513-3-2


Synopsis: Sometimes publicity stunts go bad…Real Bad! Starving author Eddie Barrow, Jr., will do anything to get a book deal with a NYC publisher. Even if it means getting caught by the media while engaging in S&M with a female celebrity as a publicity stunt. What Eddie gets instead are details of a billion dollar fraud scheme from a suicidal client who’s fatally shot minutes later. Now on the run from the law and the killers, Eddie seeks help from two unlikely friends—an alcoholic and a dominatrix. With few resources, Eddie races to clear his name, unveil the fraud scheme, and expose the killers before he becomes their next victim.

Age Range adult

Genre: Action / Thriller

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