Decoding My Dreams?

I am so tired lately.  I go to bed and just lay there.  And stare at the ceiling.

When I do go to sleep, it’s only for a couple of hours.  This makes for a very tired, lethargic, grouchy, ME.

So, if  I am so tired – why am I only sleeping a couple of hours you ask.  I’ll tell ya.  Boo-dreams.  Yep.  I been havin’ some hella nightmares lately.  What’s up with that?  I think I need to invest in one of those “Translate your Dreams” books.  

Now I know you’re wondering…”What vile creatures plague your nightmares?”  Vampires?  Demons?  Well, uhhh… it’s me!  Yep!  I am my own nightmare!  What the wha?! 

The dreams start out fairly normal.  Everyday, something or others.  Good times.  And then… out of no where… my teeth start falling out.  I don’t mean a little loose toofy.  I mean in the middle of a word spitting out a canine – followed by blood, lots of blood – not just flowing but spraying out and running down my face.  And then – the other canine.  It starts to grow and wriggle like a snake, twisting its way to  and fro until it eats/punctures a hole in my cheek and falls out.  A regular tooth.  On the floor.   In a pile of blood.  A hole left in my face.

And then… (as if I need more)  the non-scream.  The part of the nightmare where you are screaming, SCREAMING, only nothing comes out.  You take in the deepest breath you can to emit the loudest scream you can, and then nothing.  My mouth is open, I’m screaming. SCREAMING.  I feel it, I am doing it, but nothing is happening.  There is no noise, only air.  Panic.



What does this all mean?  Why are my teeth attacking me in my sleep?  I have no idea!  All I do know for sure is this:  a) no more spicy food before bed and b) I need to go brush my teeth.