Friday Reads: Sectors

Happy Friday, folks! (Well, Saturday, but…you know what I mean…) Here’s wishing for a safe and happy holiday weekend!

This weekend I’ll be reading Sectors by Brick Marlin

Sectors by Brick Marlin

Sectors by Brick Marlin

Release Date: 2010-07-01

Against their parents’ wishes, Gilbert and Bobby trespass into an abandoned old house, unaware of the horrors that lurk inside. With Bobby’s sudden disappearance, Gilbert finds himself caught up in an adventure that only starts with the ghosts who reside in the house. After stepping through a door into the Sectors, Gilbert is confronted with an entirely new world populated with werewolves, vampires, zombies, ghosts, robots, humans and a cannibal…





So how bout it, what are YOU reading this weekend?

For more videos for #FridayReads – Make sure you check out all of this weeks video responses over on youtube! FR_responsees

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