Guest Post from Author Sam Maggs: Ladies Rock
Today we have a GUEST POST from author Sam Maggs, author of the book: Wonder Women: 25 Innovators, Inventors, and Trailblazers Who Changed History
Ladies Rock: What I Listened to While Writing Wonder Women
Music plays a huge part in my attitude when I sit down to write. I penned my first book, The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy, almost entirely to the theme song from Pacific Rim on repeat, because it made me feel fearless and helped me to combat my impostor syndrome.
For Wonder Women: 25 Innovators, Inventors, and Trailblazers Who Changed History, I knew I had to take a different approach; I wanted to be inspired by all of my favorite rockin’ women while I wrote about history’s most rockin’ women. So here are a few of the songs I listened to while researching and writing. I hope you can use them to assemble your very own Wonderful Women playlist!
The Staves – Black and White
Three English sisters make up the acoustic folk rock trio that is The Staves, and their soft sounds are at times both peaceful and heart-wrenching. Their latest album, If I Was, is one I like to listen to when I work, and also while in the bath with a good book.
Ji Nilsson – Encore
I discovered Swedish singer Ji Nilsson a few years ago and became absolutely obsessed with the bluenette’s ‘90s-style bops and videos. “Heartbreakfree” and “Perfume” are other faves, and always have me dancing in my chair while I work. I get some weird looks at the library.
Beyoncé ft. Jack White – Don’t Hurt Yourself
Okay, this is a bit of a cheat as it didn’t come out until I was well into final copy edits on Wonder Women, but once Lemonade dropped, can I really lie and say that I listened to anything else for weeks? It was almost impossible to pick just one track, but this one reminds me the most of the kick-butt women in my book.
Ryn Weaver – Stay Low
I feel like everyone slept on Ryn Weaver’s debut album The Fool, but I love working to it. It’s just lady-empowerment-alt-rock jams front to back.
Poe – Haunted
I listened to this album almost non-stop during my formative years, and it had a profound impact on me during my initial feminist education. Plus, Poe’s album works in conjunction with her brother Mark Z. Danielewski’s book House of Leaves, so it’s ready-made for literary inspiration.
Carly Rae Jepsen – Run Away With Me
Listen, I’m a Canadian. You knew Carly Rae had to be on this list somewhere. I am not immune to the best pop album of 2015. Just try not to dance to this. Just try.
Halsey – Gasoline
Oh, Badlands, you speak to my soul. More Halsey for everyone at all times.
Little Boots – Working Girl
Do you ever feel buried under work? Me too. English electro-pop darling Little Boots understands. Let her commiserate with you.
Tei Shi – Bassically
I listened to this song on repeat so many times while writing that I think my iTunes almost sat me down for an intervention. There’s just something so energizing about the build-up in this song by the Argentinian indie popper that makes you feel like you can work forever. Another guaranteed chair-dancin’ number.
What are your favorite lady rock songs to write to? Let me know on Twitter @SamMaggs. And I hope you enjoy Wonder Women!
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Wonder Women: 25 Innovators, Inventors, and Trailblazers Who Changed History by Sam Maggs
Release Date: 2016-10-04
Published by: Quirk Books
FORMAT – Paper Back
Genre: Non-Fiction
For Ages: ALL
Ever heard of Allied spy Noor Inayat Khan, a Muslim woman whom the Nazis considered “highly dangerous”? Or German painter and entomologist Maria Sibylla Merian, who planned and embarked on the world’s first scientific expedition? How about Huang Daopo, the inventor who fled an abusive child marriage only to revolutionize textile production in China?
Women have always been able to change the world, even when they didn’t get the credit. In Wonder Women, author Sam Maggs introduces you to pioneering female scientists, engineers, mathematicians, adventurers, and inventors—each profile a study in passion, smarts, and stickto-itiveness, complete with portraits by Google doodler Sophia Foster-Dimino, an extensive bibliography, and a guide to present-day women-centric STEM organizations.
About Sam

Sam Maggs, Author of Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy and Wonder Women. Photo by Ashley Walker
Sam Maggs, Assistant Writer at BioWare; author of The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy and Wonder Women; writer; host; and someone who frequently cries over video games
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