Pandora’s Succession by Russell Brooks

Pandora's Succession (An International Spy Thriller)

Pandora’s Succession (An International Spy Thriller)

by  Russell Brooks

Released: 2010-10-24

Paperback: 283 pages

ISBN-13: 9780986751301
ASIN: B00486U6O2

Synopsis: For fans of Barry Eisler, Robert Ludlum, and Clive Cussler. The deadliest weapon against mankind has been unleashed! CIA operative, Ridley Fox, never stopped hunting his fiancée’s killers–a weapons consortium called The Arms Of Ares. When Fox follows a lead to one of their top-secret bioweapons facilities in Chechnya, he barely escapes alive. However, he’s learned that Ares has weaponized a hyper-deadly microbe called Pandora. The trail leads Fox to Tokyo, where he teams up with an old flame and fellow operative, Nita Parris. Aside from Ares, they must contend with rogue agents who’ll stop at nothing to get Pandora. This throws Fox and Parris into a deadly game of spy vs spy, as they must rely on each other to locate Pandora. For if it’s unleashed, it could mean the end of humanity.

Age Range adult

Genre:  Action / Thriller

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