Tag: The Very Difficult Adult Book Tag
You know, some people on the internet just have the ability to make you smile. One of them, for me, is a youtuber (and 2012 debut author) Danny Marks. I love his channel on the youtubes and when I see he has a new video in my subscriptions I just SMILE because I know he is going to crack me up.
So the other day, Danny posted this Book Tag…
A “tag” on youtube, is really just like a tag IRL between friends. “I did it and now you’re it!” haha…
So his was the Very Difficult Adult Book tag.
I got excited when I saw the tag! I mean, I was just complaining the other day that 95% of all the book tubers I have run across – only do YA. YA is ok, but I’m a grown up. Sometimes, adult fiction is good too! And there are really no resources for “upcoming adult fiction” like there are for YA. Can’t grownups be excited about upcoming books too?!
I really hope more people do this tag. I like to see what everyone is waiting for! It lets me know what to put in my wish list!
So I did my video response. Yeah, 3am, but you know what…who cares. Right?
I hope you enjoy the video. I did poke a little fun at Danny. He is such a light hearted personality, I just love him. You should go subscribe to his channel.
The books I listed:
ISBN: 1451627289 |
ISBN: 031264325X |
ISBN: 0575099356 |
ISBN: 0441020747 |
ISBN: 045146379X |
I actually had written 10 books down, but almost all of them drop in October. Its was 3am, and I didn’t feel like editing up 10 books, so I cut my list down to 5. LOL! Yea, I know, I know. BUT IT WAS 3AM PEOPLE!
Anyway, if you feel up to it, why not do a response to this tag! if you don’t youtube, you can just blog it. No biggie. I would love to see what you’re looking forward to in the “literary fiction” world.
Thanks for readin’