A Shout Out Post to Previous Clients and Projects!
TODAY I want to do a shout out and a huge THANK YOU to some of the authors I have worked with in the past! Please check out these great Books!
TODAY I want to do a shout out and a huge THANK YOU to some of the authors I have worked with in the past! Please check out these great Books!
Hey guys, here’s a wrap up of what all I got read last month. I think I had a pretty darn good month in reading! The BlueStocking Girl: The von Strassenberg Saga by Gwenn Wright Release Date: 2012-01-06 1896: The saga continues as young, headstrong Maria Smythe leaves …
Buy on Amazon Available in: HARDCOVER PAPERBACK KINDLE The BlueStocking Girl: The von Strassenberg Saga By: Gwenn Wright Published by: CreateSpace Released On: 2012-01-06 ISBN: 1461194741 Pages: 272 Genre: Fiction Author’s Website: http://hereventuality.blogspot.com/ Author’s Social: Twitter | Facebook Format of Review Copy: Paperback Source: review copy Recommendable for people who …
Happy Friday folks! Hope you had a great week and are ready to hit the weekend running! It’s that time of year for me. You know, when between “the weather kicking the crap out of my sinuses” and “the neighbors all mowing their lawns on the same day” makes my …
A few books I found in my mailbox over the last week or two… Return to Finkleton by K.C. Hilton When the Finkle children discovered magical secrets in Uncle Harry’s shop, they vowed to keep them safe. Two years later Jack, Lizzy and Robert realized that the …
One of my favorite book tubers, BookRatMisty, posted a book tag a week or so ago. I knew I was going to do it, as soon as I saw it. So this tag was The Books of 2011 (first half of the year) Tag… The Questions: 1. Book you’re …
Buy on Amazon Filter: The Von Strassenberg Saga (Volume 1) By: Gwenn A. Wright Published by: CreateSpace Released On: 2010-08-10 ISBN: 1461053005 Genre: YA Pages: 352 Author’s Website: http://hereventuality.blogspot.com/ Author’s Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gwennwright Recommendable for people who: Historical Fiction, Romance, Suspense Synopsis (from Amazon): In this darkly romantic family saga, Rocky …
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren in which book bloggers share the books they’ve gotten in the past week. So, I had an AWESOME week this week! Did you? Here’s is the vid of my bookies this week. I did a “long version” with …
HAHA… So as I was doing the edits for this months TO BE READ PILE, I had an “a haaaa…” moment. I think, I might just have, a slight accent. I’m not sure but I believe that saying “Joo-lie” instead of “Jewel-eye” just might toss me in the hillbilly category. …