WeAreWordNerds has passed FOUR MILLION VISITORS! Thank you so much to all our readers and FRIENDS that have stuck with us over the last 6 years!
WeAreWordNerds has passed FOUR MILLION VISITORS! Thank you so much to all our readers and FRIENDS that have stuck with us over the last 6 years!
THANK YOU!!!!!! I don’t even know what to say, other than THANK YOU! WeAreWordNerds just passed THREE MILLION VISITORS! I don’t know how, but some how over Memorial Day Weekend, we passed three million visitors here on wearewordnerds, and I can’t even….process it! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Regular posting …
Hey lovelies! This is just a quick note to let you know we have completed the blog move and www.bunnycates.com has successfully merged into www.wearewordnerds.com I am so excited for this change, guys! I do have a bit more “cleaning up” to do behind the scenes, but we should be …