The Demeter Code (An International Spy Thriller) by Russell Brooks

The Demeter Code (An International Spy Thriller)

The Demeter Code (An International Spy Thriller)

by Russell Brooks

Released: 2014-07-03

Paperback: 422 pages

ISBN-13: 9780986751363


Synopsis: CRACK THE CODE AND YOU’LL SAVE LIVES…BUT KNOWING IT EXISTS WILL GET YOU KILLED. When two American embassies in northern Africa are bombed, CIA operatives, Ridley Fox and Nita Parris, are assigned to track down the perpetrators. However, when their top asset is killed in a failed op, the agents suspect that there may be a new threat. Their search for the truth puts them on a collision course with a powerful multinational—which will go to extreme lengths to bury its criminal activities. However, the agents soon learn that someone with a personal vendetta against that company not only knows their secrets, but will expose them in a way that could result in the largest single-day attack against America.

Age Range adult

Genre:  Action / Thriller

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