Thursday Talks – about mainstreaming it
I’m actually writing this late on Wednesday. Shhh, I won’t tell if you wont. Oh, wait a minute – I think I just did. Shit.
What was I going to say? Oh yes, biographies.
We, some of my facebook friends and I, got into a discussion on Marilyn Manson’s book (of all things, I know.) We were talking about how even though he is a freaknut – we still wanted to read about him. Actually a few of us had, already. If you’d like to pick up his book it’s: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell by Marilyn Manson
My friend, actually he’s a distant cousin (this is Kentucky y’all. Make a friend on fb and find out they’re family. It really happens. No kidding. Anyway…), he had said he really enjoyed the Manson book mostly just because Manson is such a deviant from what is the social norm. With this thought, I totally agree. Manson = freaknut
I was thinking about our conversation though, and thought how poignant the statement about “the social norm” was.
Even though I find Manson to be scary, and if I am being honest – disgusting, I enjoyed his book. I enjoyed reading about him. Of course, after words I was/am MORE revolted by him, but the point is – I enjoyed his book. It was something new and different. Because HE is so different from me or anyone I know – I couldn’t stop turning the pages. I want more of that. I mean, not more of Manson. NO THANK YOU. But more… I don’t know. Reality? Exposure? Variety?
I told you ALL OF THAT, to get to this…
What are some non-fiction (or even just not trendy mainstream) books you have read that have just BLOWN.YOUR.MIND? Doesn’t matter if it is biography or fiction, just not YA or “popular” fiction. I’m just looking for some new “words” and am really kind of burnt out on sparkly vampires and ghost lovers and end of the world scenarios. Aren’t you? Everything is starting to feel like I have read it before. I would love to read something “different”. Something “important”.
Here’s a few books I think you should check out. Hollar at me below or on the facebook or the twitter and share a few titles with me that you think I should check out.
*was a quick read. He’s very intelligent. |
*History is important. Most people my age – know about this, but it’s just a passing knowledge. They haven’t read true accounts or anything other than the required reading in school. I feel sorry for the younger generations. I wonder if my girl child would know of this, if I didn’t teach her. |
*actually, to see you reading anything on Lincoln would make me smile. It’s nothing political, I just think he was fascinating. |
*two words –> FREAK NUT |
A few books mentioned on the facebook were biographies of: Nick Cave, Lennon, and Keith Richards.
And of course I had to mention Henry Rollins since all the men folk were oooing and ahhhing off rock type peoples.
Eye Scream (Henry Rollins)
by Henry Rollins
Check out some of these books and let me know what you think! More importantly, drop a few titles you think I should check out. I promise I’ll keep reading and reviewing the mainstream stuff, too. I enjoy it, just like the next person. Just sometimes, I want a little… more.
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