Unsavory Delicacies by Russell Brooks

Unsavory Delicacies

Unsavory Delicacies

by Russell Brooks

Released: 2013-11-11

Paperback: 30 pages

ISBN-13: 9780986751325


Synopsis: For fans of Barry Eisler and Robert Ludlum. A three-course story collection with a side-order of revenge. Crème Brûlée Rogue operative, Monique Beauvais, cons a software genius into selling her a coveted technology that would allow its user to control CIA drones while they’re in flight. And she will go as far as killing him in public in order to have it. To the Last Bite A renowned food critic—whose scathing reviews have closed down restaurants—gets a savoury surprise. Shashlyk and Morezhenoe CIA operative, Ridley Fox, leads a team against one of Russia’s most powerful crime families. He discovers secrets, but not one that he was expecting to find. Three stories with three consequences. All containing three Unsavory Delicacies. ***Caution*** Readers are strongly advised NOT to eat while reading To The Last Bite.

Age Range adult

Genre:  Action / Thriller

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