WeAreWordNerds made a TOP 100 BOOK BLOGS list!
We made a TOP 100 BOOK BLOGS list!
I was contacted a while back and told that we made a TOP 100 BOOK BLOGS list, and they just wanted to make sure it was ok for them to use our header in their graphic.
Umm… YES!
I’m so happy about this guys! Even though we only came in at spot 93, it still feels GREAT to be recognized! I put in a lot of work on my website, and sometimes I get bogged down in it and start to wonder why I even bother. It is a lot to keep up with, the site, my life, and school. So to see someone out there noticed, well… It makes me smile is all.
Here is the list from the team at Rebateszone:

(An infographic by the team at Rebateszone)