Drawing Blood by Richard Finney

Drawing Blood

Drawing Blood

by Richard Finney

Released: 2012-10-09

Paperback: 236 pages

ISBN-10: 1938457021
ISBN-13: 9781938457029
ASIN: 1938457021



With humanity at the edge of self-annihilation…

Another species, living in the shadows of humans for thousands of years, fear the extermination of their food supply, which will trigger their extinction as well. Vampires finally make their presence known and end up taking over a war ravaged world. Matt Haynes and Tyra Redmond briefly met in the Green Zone. He was a world weary mercenary protecting a U.S. dignitary. She was working for the State Department trying to rebuild a country. Years later, when their paths cross again, the world has completely changed. Both are now at a “Blood Donation Center” located in a rural area once known as the East Coast of the United States. The inmates of CCC197 must endure a daily dehumanizing existence of being kept alive only to serve as a source of blood for their captors. Matt and Tyra must overcome their clashing personalities if they are to rally their fellow prisoners to plan and execute an audacious escape to freedom. Standing in their way is a security system manned by human traitors working for the Vampires. And of course any attempt to escape from the concentration camp will mean defeating a species that has superior strength, cunning, and intelligence. And for Matt Haynes, there is an even more compelling complication — one of the vampire commanders of CCC197 is Ian Hayes, his brother… before he became a member of the undead. “Drawing Blood” is a heart stopping, paranormal, thrill ride about the fight for survival, and the emotional struggle to maintain human relationships in an apocalyptic world. This is the first book in the RELICT SERIES depicting the fall of humanity and the attempt by the Vampires to maintain control of their new world order. 

WARNING to all interested readers: The last page ends with: “TO BE CONTINUED” Many of the books in THE RELICT BOOK SERIES will end with cliffhanger moments. Even if readers have read dozens of books about the undead, they will discover Drawing Blood is not your typical Vampire novel.

Genre: horror / paranormal / fantasy


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