Affordable Whiter Teeth, NO DENTIST

Hey guys, I just wanted to pop on and do a real quick post.  I’ve been getting lots of questions about my teeth and how I whiten them, etc… Especially from people who I went to school with and are now finding me on facebook 20 years later.  Trust me when I say, growing up my teeth were far from white.  They still aren’t movie star/glow in the dark white *ting* but I am definitely satisfied with them.  I mean, my own sister asked me when I had them bleached so yea, I’m happy. 

Oh, and my dentist even asked me where I had them done! I just remembered that!  When I went to have my wisdoms removed I begged my dentist to just put me to sleep and take them ALL and give me falsies so I wouldn’t have to go through the pulling again. (I have panic attacks at the dentist… yikes)  Anyway…He refused to do it.  He said he would never pull teeth that were as good as mine and then asked me where I had them “Zoomed”.  I was like HUH?  He gave me a brochure on ZOOM bleaching to look at and said he thought for SURE I’d had it done!  GO ME!

My teeth (taken with a cell phone-in my studio-at night, sorry it’s kind of grainy)

So I wanted to tell ya real quick, how I got MY teeth whiter.  I wish I could say there was some magic secret.  There isn’t, or I guess I should say – there isn’t anything that I have found, that will over night make them movie star white.  But the products I use definitely have worked for me.  Are you ready for the big reveal?



I know, right?  You thought there was going to be something crazy expensive and amazing.  Nope.  I use Crest.  That’s it.  And it works.  Here’s the exact routine I use to whiten my teeth & keep them white… (and I have been doing it since 2008, very little has changed in my routine)

First -  about once every 6 weeks, I use a set of Crest White Strips.  Note I said “a set”.  I can’t use the whole box in one go like  you are supposed to.  They kill my gums and make my teeth sooo sensitive.  But if I just do them ONE TIME every month or so – no problem!  Also, this means the box lasts for EVER. No kidding.  I think I buy maybe 2 boxes a year. LOL.  Here they are on Amazon:

I know, the packaging has changed a little my pic up there was taken in 2009.  This is what I buy now though.  Also, when you buy your first box, there is usually a coupon for your next box inside.  I think this last one I bought had a $5 off coupon in it so when KMART had them on sale for like $20 I got them and used my coupon and ended up getting them for like $15.  Whoot!   Again, I know you might be thinking that is high but a box lasts me half a year really so…

So for the brushing…
I brush every morning when I get up.  Every time I eat.  Every night before bed.  I know, you’re thinking OMG! But listen…I can NOT stand to feel the gunk on my teeth.  I hate it.  I’m almost OCD about it.  If I think I feel something on my teeth I have to get it off!  I’ve been known to wipe my teeth off with a paper towel.  I’m not kidding.  So with that said, here is my routine

In the mornings (and after meals):
I brush with CREST 3D VIVID White.  I just feel like it gives me a bright shiny start on the day.  And now I use the Crest WHITENING Mouthwash.  This mouth wash is kind of new, I’ve been using it just over a year I think.  I LOVE IT. It really does whiten your teeth some, and gives you a little *ting*.


Don’t believe me?

Why yes, I do brush my teeth IN the shower...


*just a note on this mouthwash.  It like foams up in your mouth.  I almost barfed the first time I used it, it gets thick and slimy like… well, this is a family friendly blog so I wont say what – I’ll just say *bluck*.  I want white teeth though, so I suffered through it.  I’m used to it now. I just thought I should warn you before you use it the first time.  When it thickens up it really is kind of disgusting. haha.

Before bed:
I brush with CREST PRO HEALTH and use PRO HEALTH MOUTHWASH.  I love using this before bed because I feel like it kills all the funk that ruin your teeth while you sleep.


a bottle in EVERY bathroom!

So there you have it.  My complete teeth whitening routine.  I really wish I had some before/after photos to show you.  I don’t because I seriously NEVER expected anyone to be asking me about how I got my teeth so white.  Seriously.  This is what I use though, I am not paid by Crest to say that.  They have NEVER sent me free product or anything like that.  I buy all this stuff because I *KNOW* it works.  It doesn’t happen over night – but it DOES happen.

oh, and just an ON THE ASIDE…

I just got some of this the other day to try. 

Crest 3D White Glamorous White

I do like it, and it does give you a *ting* but it only lasts a hour or so.  Would be great for “picture day” or something, just not for long term whitening.  It’s called  Crest 3D White Glamorous White.  Sorry I can’t find a link for you.  I read about this in ALLURE magazine and looked at WalMart and they had it for $3.98  Good, but not long lasting.

Anyway, hope this post helps you some.  Hollar if you have questions, or whatever.  Have a great weekend!