This is just a crazy test
Please disregard this post yall. Just testing out a new feature on my site. How about you look at these perty books since I bothered ya!
Please disregard this post yall. Just testing out a new feature on my site. How about you look at these perty books since I bothered ya!
As many of you know, I’m currently a full time college student. As I work on my second degree, I find myself taking a ton of classes I never saw myself sitting though. One of those classes this semester is called Leadership and Organization. It has been a pretty interesting …
Hey guys, this blog is just an archive of my OLD blog on my website. Unfortunately, I needed to clean it because it was so huge it was bogging my site down. I didn’t want to lose my posts, because this was my life for so many years, you know? …
So, anyone who has been reading my blog for more than a minute knows that sometimes – I am an idiot. Ok, probably more like MOST TIMES, but still… Anyway, yesterday was filming day for my youtubes and as such I put on meh face, did up meh fro, and …
Here’s a couple of little “TAG” videos I did this week. The first one, is about reading habits… The second, is about my accent.
Hey guys, I’ve decided to give the site a complete overhaul. My plan is to pretty much just delete the dang thing and start all over, nice n clean like. After 8 years on the same server I just kind of have files and folders strung everywhere, so I think …
oh my gosh. This week has just blown chunks, let me tell ya. First, we had a big rain and my downstairs flooded. The next night…my washing machine sprang a leak…and the downstairs flooded. Yesterday, the rain returned… seeing a trend here? Yeah, the downstairs flooded. So the first night …
I am so SO relieved. Summer break is over and the kiddies are OH-fficially back in school YAHOO!!!! Now, I just need to get myself set up back on some kind of schedule. I mean, I knew this summer was going to be hard but I didn’t know the kids …
So I wanted to celebrate hitting 500 subscribers on the youtubes by having a Q&A. You guys submitted tons of questions, so I divided them up to PERSONAL and BOOKISH. This is the PERSONAL portion of the Q&A. **LANGUAGE WARNING** Im just sayin… Part one of my Q&A to …
If you decide to use the swatch, please photograph or upload your project to somewhere online (you can use my gallery, your blog, or anywhere you like!) and leave me a link down in the comments because I would love to see what you create! Please link to the blog …