
This week has been so busy.  Ok, thats not true.  Lets be real here.  I have done absolutely NOTHING this week! lol!!!  I did go to work Monday.  Then the hubs and I headed out to run errands, pay bills, & buy some much needed groceries.  Of course, it was early, so I made him take me out to eat breakfast.  I tried to make him act like he was enjoying it, but umm…


Then we had some snow, the kids were out of school, and it just killed my entire “mojo”.

I have really been trying to focus on gathering stuff up for the Salvation Army.  I tell you, my Studio kind of looks like one of those houses on hoarders.  Im not kidding.  I went to put a good sized box (because you just never know when you may have to ship something huge) under the crafting table, and it wouldn’t fit!  Ok, time to get rid of some SHIT.  For real!!!   I have managed to put several boxes and bags of stuff to be donated.  Now if I can just MAKE myself actually TAKE them off!!!

I started the Morning Mugshot thread again at DSO.  I have also been upping them to my facebook, and think I may start blogging them too, atleast then it will give me something to post. LOL!!!

Lets see, what else? hmmm


The BAM Class has started! 


Im enjoying working through the prompts each week.  Just posted prompt 2 today.  If you were wanting to join the class, the way its set up you can join at any time.  Each week will have a new prompt, but the past prompts will stay up all year.  So you can join in anytime, you’ll just have some “catch up” work to do.  Since some people will be having to catch up, I’m including printable pdf’s too, so you can just print em out and work on it when ever.  So if you’ve been looking for a more “meaningful” project to do, this is the class for you!  It is NOT free, the cost of the class is $30.00.  The class will last all year (2011).  There will be 52 page prompts, and some “extra” things thrown in, too.  So, if you’ve been wanting to do a BAM, or looking to write your own memoir come on and join me in the BAM class!

Crafting wise, it really has been a busy week!  I finally got off my rump and figured out how to use the Wishblade that Shannon let me borrow!

This week I Made:

ANYHOO!  My manthang is wanting to run and pay bills and go look at this new desk I wants! yay me!!!

Have a great day!!!